General Pests
General Pest Control
General Pest Control In Marietta, Atlanta, & Lawrenceville, GA
It's not a matter of if, but when! We treat for the following general insects:
- Ants
- Roaches
- Spiders
- Stingers (Wasp, Yellow Jackets and Carpenter Bees)
- Occasional invaders (Centipedes, Millipedes, Earwigs, Silverfish, Scorpions, Fruit flies, house flies, Stink bugs)
- Blood suckers (Fleas, Ticks, Bed bugs)
- Pantry pests (Indian Meal Moths, Grain Weevils, Cigarette beetles)
- Fabric pests (Carpet beetles, Clothes moths)
- Cave Crickets, Grass hoppers

Why Choose ProCare Pest Services?
About The Pests We Treat
- Argentine Ant
Is golden-brown in color and creates mega colonies. Prefers sweets such as sugar in your kitchen and aphid honeydew. Not as common in areas where fire ants thrives as Fire ants are fierce competitors. - Crazy Ant
Has long legs compared with its body size and runs about erratically, has a long 1st antennal segment. - Thief Ant
Is yellow to dirty-brown in color and has a 10 segmented antenna with a two-segmented club Loves greasy foods. Ant often steals the larvae of other species of ants and holds them as slaves. - Pavement Ant
Often kicks-up dirt next to a sidewalk or an expansion joint inside the house and sometimes brings dirt inside voids of the exterior walls. - Odorous Ant
The body is brown to black in color. The antennae have 12 segments. When pinched, smells like rotten coconuts - Pharaoh Ant
Is orange in color and has a 12 segmented antenna with a three segmented club often split their colonies when pesticides are used to control them…a process called “budding”. Baiting is key to control. - Fire Ant
The ants themselves are reddish brown in color and roughly 1/8 to 1/4 inch in length. Builds mounds that are dome-shaped.

Filled with tips & tricks about the most common pests in our area, browse our resource center for more information on how to protect your home or business.
Cockroaches are the second most common allergen and are responsible for causing respiratory problems in many children due to allergens they leave inside homes. Cockroaches are nocturnal so they are most active at night and spend 75% or more of their life hiding in cracks & crevices. Roaches are often identified by their pronotum, which is a prominent plate-like structure behind their head where you would imagine a neck would be.
- Smokey Brown
Large cockroach is dark mahogany brown in color and can fly. Its pronotum is solid dark brown or black and commonly found in the attic of homes. - American Cockroach
Reddish-brown cockroach with a pale brown or yellow border on its pronotum (Neck area) and is the largest of all common house infesting cockroaches. Commonly found around manholes and in sewers, in boiler rooms and in the holes of trees; often glues its egg capsule to the outside of buildings. - German Cockroaches
Small cockroach with a pronotum with longitudinal black bars running lengthwise. This roach rapidly reproduces and infests kitchens and hides and lays eggs in the appliances. In almost all cases they are transported by humans from one home to another in appliances. - Wood Roach
Small cockroach with no wings as an adult. - Oriental cockroach
Medium size cockroach commonly found in sewers, drains, and dark damp basements. It is often associated with decaying organic matter and found in cooler areas. - Brown Banded Cockroach
light-brown cockroach has two light colored bands that run from side-to-side across the base of the wings and abdomen.

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